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As a nonprofit leader, there are just some things you should not try to do on your own. 

Image by Jason Goodman


Budgetary challenges, lack of key staff, compliance issues, and making sure all your paperwork is in place. It doesn't just stop there, you're working tons of hours trying to figure things out on your own, and you're stuck, confused, or frustrated. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone with years of experience to help you?


Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You started a nonprofit and are not sure what to do now.

  • You've been to YouTube and Google University and are buried under information overload.

  • Thinking about starting a project, or have started a project and need help.

  • You are short-staffed and need an extra hand for a short period of time.

  • You're scheduled for a sight visit and not sure what to expect.

Would It Help If You Could

  • Talk to an expert before you get too far in.

  • Build an organization that's attractive to funders. 

  • Figure out a way to feel better about your nonprofit.

  • Get options on decisions you need to make.

  • Figure out all that nonprofit paperwork.

What To Expect

  • We work on your stuff.

  • Meetings are in-person or over Zoom.

  • We can meet one-on-one or with your team, or board.

  • You will get real-life answers.

  • You can acquire consulting services by the hour, the project, or at a monthly rate.

Consulting is an investment not a cost


Designed to help you solve the critical needs facing your organization. Our goal is to help you not only reach, but exceed your goals and get the results you want and need.

monthly retainer

If you need ongoing consulting services for a specific period of time, a monthly retainer is the ideal consulting package for you. Provides more accessibility to a consultant. 

project based 

Offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep nonprofit knowledge necessary to help you with your organizational projects.  

  • Common things nonprofits get stuck on.
    Every organization is unique with different needs. Here are just a few common places nonprofits get stuck. How to start a nonprofit organization. Audit findings - I need help correcting issues? Nonprofit paperwork - monthly, quarterly and annual reporting. Building a client tracking and reporting systems. Setting up my nonprofit's filing system. How to start a shelter program. State and federal compliance issues. Developing your organization's policies and procedures. Program and service development. Building a sustainable nonprofit. Implementing your organization's core mission. Take a look inside - your internal operations.
  • Benefits of working with a consultant.
    Here are just a few benefits of working with a consultant. A consultant can: Help you improve business operations and efficiencies. Work with you to identify, address, and overcome business challenges and barriers. Make recommendations for areas of opportunity and improvement. Help you pinpoint what's missing. Be a thought partner so you don't have to figure it all out by yourself.
  • What does the consulting process look like?
    The consulting process looks like this: You decide what you need to work on. We will conduct a client needs assessment. We work with you to develop a Statement of Work. We work with you to develop a Success Plan. You sign the Consulting Agreement and other documents. Work begins. You get your organizational needs met. Work ends. We conduct a Project Exit Interview.
Common Topics

“Great things are brought about, and burdens are lightened through the efforts of many hands anxiously engaged in a good cause.” Elder M. Russell Ballard

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